For Navrathri Some sweets, snacks, sundal or fruits can be offered as 'neivedhyam'.To know about how navrathri festival celebrated read here.

1cup - Semolina/Rava
1 1/2 cup – Sugar
1/2 cup - Ghee
1/8 tsp of kesari food color dissolved in 2 Tbsps of water or milk(optional
1 1/2 cup – water or 1cup water ½ cup milk( I doesn't use milk)
1/2 cup - Fresh pineapple, apple, banana, grapes. dates(and any other fruit you desire cut into small cubes or grated)
Any fruit essences-1tsp
1 or 2 tsp cardamom powder
50gmsCashews/raisins nuts
1. Fry Rava with 2tbsp of ghee,till aroma leave out on medium flame(Don't over fry) and keep it aside.
2. Add 1 tbsp ghee fry raisins and cashewnut and keep it aside.
3. Add the Kesar color dissolved in water
4. Now in same pan, add water and sugar, stir till sugar dissolves
5. Then addFruits, fried rava stir it once and let it cook till water is absorbed and rava leaves the walls of Pan.
6. Add ghee and essences, cardamom powder stir it and garnish with cashew &raisins Serve hot or cold.