1cup - Semolina/Rava
1 1/2 cup – Sugar
1/2 cup - Ghee
1/8 tsp of kesari food color dissolved in 2 Tbsps of water or milk(optional
1 1/2 cup – water or 1cup water ½ cup milk( I doesn't use milk)
1/2 cup - Fresh pineapple(cut into small cubes or grated)
Pineapple essences-1tsp
1 or 2 tsp cardamom powder
50gmsCashews/raisins nuts
1. Fry Rava with 2tbsp of ghee,till aroma leave out on medium flame(Don't over fry) and keep it aside.
2. Add 1 tbsp ghee fry raisins and cashewnut and keep it aside.
3. Add the Kesar color dissolved in water
4. Now in same pan, add water and sugar, stir till sugar dissolves
5. Then add pineapple cubes,or grated pineapple, fried rava stir it once and let it cook till water is absorbed and rava leaves the walls of Pan.
6. Add ghee and Pineapple essences, cardamom powder stir it and garnish with cashew &raisins Serve hot or cold.
Pineapple jamuns:
This pineapple jamun I learned it from sumascuisine. I loved the recipe.. I tried and tasted very yummy. I prepared jamuns as per her method but I didn't add milk.

1 cup Sugar.
1/2 cup Water.
1/2 tsp Cardamom powder.

Simmer and let it cook for 5 min. Once rava is cooked, add the sugar and mix it well till sugar dissolves. After that set the mixture to cool.
For the sugar syrup, drop sugar and water in a pan and cook to make syrup. Add cardamom powder. Boil till the sugar turns to one threaded consistency. Transfer the syrup into serving dish.
Later knead the pineapple rava mixture into soft dough. Divide the dough into small balls. Later knead the pineapple rava mixture into soft dough. Divide the dough into small ball.
Deep fry these in hot oil on low heat. When jamuns are golden brown, drain them and add to the hot syrup.
wooo excellent...no words to express...ur jamuns looks perfect...i am soo happy that u have tryed...
U r rocking with pinaple!!!
Thank you suma& Andhra for lovely comments
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